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Last 2 days for Enchantment

Only 48 hours remain for this round of Enchantment – Sleeping Beauty and along with it, the prizes. The prizes are exclusive to Enchantment and once it is over, they will disappear. Don’t delay your stamp card rally!

For further instructions on how Enchantment works please visit this link.

Available Prizes:

Enchantment Sleeping Beauty Prizes

Participating Designers and Prize Location LM:

The Annex
anc Ltd.
Mina Hair
!bang poses
Violent Seduction

Prize Location

I part with a sharing of the Maleficent movie trailer which opens tomorrow


Enchantment’s Stamp Card Rally in Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and German

Thanks to Aki and his friend, we now have instructions on how to enjoy in both Japanese and Spanish, Portuguese and German! If there are any mistakes please don’t kill me!

May’s round of Enchantment is now open! With a lot of changes happening, I will try to walk you through how it works!
Ronda del Enchantment de mayo está abierto! Con una gran cantidad de cambios que ocurren, voy a tratar de caminar a través de cómo funciona!
A edição de Maio de Enchantment está agora aberta! E com muitas alterações. Vamos tentar explicar como funciona!
Die Mai Runde von Enchantment hat gestartet. Mit den ganzen Änderungen die passieren, versuche ich euch zu zeigen wie es funktioniert. 

There are 20 stores participating and each store has specially marked items for sale at their mainstores.
>Hay 20 tiendas participantes y cada tienda ha marcado especialmente artículos para Enchantment en sus mainstores.
Temos 20 marcas a participar nesta ronda e cada criador terá os items speciais para o evento à venda na sua loja.
20 Geschäfte beteiligen sich und jedes Geschäft hat einen speziell markierten Artikel zum Verkauf in ihrem Hauptgeschäft.

enchantment 1

You will see along with your purchase is a stamp card. (if you notice they are transfer meaning you can share with friends!)
>Usted verá junto con tu compra es una tarjeta de sello. (las tarjetas son la transferenciable, se significa que puede compartir con los amigos!)
Juntamente com a compra efectuada na loja, encontra-se um cartão de selos. ( notem por favor que este pode ser transferido e partilhado com amigos!)
Mit deinem Kauf wirst du auch eine “stamp card” (Stempelkarte) finden. (Du wirst merken, dass du sie mit anderen teilen kannst (transfer), das heißt du kannst sie mit deinen Freunden teilen.

enchantment 2

Wear the stamp card (or several as I have done) and tp around to all 20 stores to collect stamps to fill your card.
>Ponga la tarjeta de sello (o varios como lo he hecho) y tp en torno a los 20 almacenes de coleccionar sellos para ganar su tarjeta.
Usando o cartão de selo incluído na compra (notem que podem adicionar vários ao vosso avatar ao mesmo tempo) o próximo passo é deslocarem-se ás 20 lojas e colecionar os selos completando assim o(s) vosso(s) cartões.
Trage die ‘Stamp card’ (oder mehrere, wie ich es gemacht habe) und teleportiere zu allen 20 Geschäften um die stamps (wie Stempel) zu sammeln um deine Karte zu füllen.

enchantment 3

enchantment 4

Once your card is full, you may redeem it for any prize available at the prize location! Be sure to only wear 1 (one) card when redeeming your prize! We are not responsible for user error.
[スタンプカードにすべてのスタンプが押されれば、全スタンプがそろった1枚のカードにつき、お好きな景品1個を景品交換所で交換できます。 景品交換時にはカード1枚づつ装着してベンダーにアクセスしてください。(ユーザーエラーによる損失は補償いたしかねます。ご了承下さいます様、お願い申し上げます)]
>Una vez que su tarjeta está llena, puede cambiar por cualquiera de los premios disponibles en “el lugar de premio”! Asegúrese de usar sólo una (1) tarjeta al canjear su premio! No nos hacemos responsables de errores de usuario. Gracias.
Assim que o cartão estiver completa, pode ser trocado por qualquer um dos prémios disponíveis na área de prémios do evento! Por favor tenham o cuidado de ter apenas um cartão adicionado ao vosso avatar ao fazerem a troca de um cartão completo por um prémio, não nos responsabilizamos pelo uso erróneo dos cartões. Muito obrigado pela vossa atenção e aproveitem o evento.
Wenn deine Karte voll ist, kannst du sie für einen Preis am Preis Aufstellungsort eintauschen. Stell sicher, dass du nur EINE Karte trägst wenn du sie eintauschst, sonst werden alle Karten für diesen einen Preis eingetauscht. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für Benutzerfehler. 

enchantment 5

Enchantment Sleeping Beauty Prizes

Participating Designers and their Mainstores:

The Annex
anc Ltd.
Mina Hair
!bang poses
Violent Seduction

Prize Location


Enchantment’s Sleeping Beauty Opens!

May’s round of Enchantment is now open! With a lot of changes happening, I will try to walk you through how it works!

There are 20 stores participating and each store has specially marked items for sale at their mainstores.
enchantment 1

You will see along with your purchase is a stamp card. (if you notice they are transfer meaning you can share with friends!)
enchantment 2

Wear the stamp card (or several as I have done) and tp around to all 20 stores to collect stamps to fill your card.
enchantment 3

enchantment 4

Once your card is full, you may redeem it for any prize available at the prize location! Be sure to only wear 1 (one) card when redeeming your prize! We are not responsible for user error.
enchantment 5

Enchantment Sleeping Beauty Prizes

Participating Designers and their Mainstores:

The Annex
anc Ltd.
Mina Hair
!bang poses
Violent Seduction

Prize Location

**SL has been acting wonky, so if some designers aren’t set up yet, please have a lil patience and check back in a few hours!**